Reading Amateur Regatta

Regatta Draw

Reading Amateur Regatta (Sat)

Saturday 11th June 2022

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Switch to Sunday 12 June 2022

Draw for Wimbledon High School

11) Women's Junior 16 Coxed Fours

For the James E. Mallard Cup

 42) Sir William Perkins (Fletcher)─────────────────────────────────────┐ Wallingford                       
 43) Wallingford────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 6:05 5 lengths                    │ Wimbledon High School             
 44) Wimbledon High School──────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ 5:44 3/4 length                   
                                                                        │ Wimbledon High School             │
 45) Sir William Perkins (Basra)────┐ Sir William Perkins (Basra)       ├───────────────────────────────────┘
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 5:39 easily                       
 47) Pangbourne College─────────────┘ 5:56 3 1/2 lengths                

20) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (Band A)

 78) Wimbledon High School (Reiniger)─┐ Wimbledon High School (Reiniger)    
 84) Sir William Perkins (Stockham)───┘ 6:26 4 lengths                      │ Pangbourne College (Madrin)         
 80) Pangbourne College (Madrin)──────┐ Pangbourne College (Madrin)         │ 5:59 3 1/2 lengths                  
 81) Wimbledon High School (Fisher)───┘ 5:56 1/3 length                     

21) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (Band B)

 82) Sir William Perkins (Chinn)──────────────────────────────────────────┐ Sir William Perkins (Chinn)        
 83) Pangbourne College (Keeble)──────────────────────────────────────────┘ 6:20 easily                        │ Wimbledon High School (Farrell)    
 79) Wimbledon High School (Farrell)──────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │ 6:06 3/4 length                    
                                                                          │ Wimbledon High School (Farrell)    │
 85) Wimbledon High School (Kipps)───┐ Wimbledon High School (Kipps)      ├────────────────────────────────────┘
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘ 6:22 easily                        
 86) Pangbourne College (Keane)──────┘ 6:44 4 lengths                     

22) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (Band C)

 89) Sir William Perkins (Coleman)──────────────────────────────────────┐
                                                                        │ Sir William Perkins (Coleman)     
 87) Wimbledon High School (Topple)─┐ Wimbledon High School (Topple)    ├───────────────────────────────────
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 6:33 easily                       
 88) Sir William Perkins (Baker)────┘ NTT 1 length                      

41) Women's Eights (Band B)

 245) Wimbledon High School──────────────┐ Wimbledon High School                  
 246) University of Bristol──────────────┘ 5:03 easily                            │ Wimbledon High School                  
 247) University College London (Cozens)─┐ University College London (Cozens)     │ 5:07 2 1/2 lengths                     
 248) Putney Town (In Der Rieden)────────┘ 5:04 easily